Traffic galore!
This is a photo taken on the way home yesterday. Its shows the daffodils going down the dual carriageway. I’ve been trying to get a good photo which shows this but its difficult because
a) I can’t exactly take a photo while I’m driving, I’m sure there are penalty points for that!
b) I’m nervous about taking photos when stationary in case other drivers think I’m taking photos of their registrations.
This leaves me with taking photo’s in that very small period where the car in front of me has just moved off and the one behind hasn’t copped that on yet…
Hence the photo below.
I was also very amused by this car in front of me.

I have used both the name Sweeney and the name Beara in my yahoo days.
I still use Sweeney quite a lot, I used to have a kitten called Sweeney Todd, who unfortunately had feline leukaemia and I eventually had to get him put to sleep.
I was very sad about this. He was such a character of a cat, he was unbelievably intelligent. He was a ginger cat but he was actually mainly white with some ginger patches on his head and back.
I may post a picture of him at another stage, but I will have to get my scanner working as this was before I had a digital camera.
My sisters’ sister-in-law has just had a baby girl, and luckily I have just finished a pink pair of DB 2 needle socks!
These would go quite nicely with the white pair I had finished previously, but I have already got them earmarked for another girl at work. I’ll just have to make some more! I need to get more yarn also in order to make some matching hats.
I have finished one side of the Hemp Blossom Bag from Simply Noro Book and need to get another 2 skeins of Blossom in order to complete the bag. Its an easy knit bag so I’m not in a rush to finish it as it’s a good project for working on while travelling and forcing my BF to drive! I love the colours.
I received this meme from Sherri so I thought it would be fun to post it.
1. What book are you reading? 2 at the moment- for slush-The alphabet sisters by Monica McInerney, and for seriousness- Are You Somebody, The Accidental Memoir of a Dublin Woman by Nuala O Faoilain
2. What time is it? 11.30
3. What's on your mouse mat? Its plain blue with a jelly wrist support
4. What's your favourite board game? Cranium (at the moment)
5. Your favorite magazine? Simply Knitting
6. Babies? No
7. Favorite sound? Early morning birds singing
8. Worst feeling in the world? Guilt and also heartbreak
9. First thing you think of in the morning? Just 5 more minutes…
10. How many rings before you answer the phone? Mobile, one or two, landline-I usually almost break my neck getting to it from upstairs and then they ring off….
11. Future child's name? I’m sure I won’t know until I meet them
12. Favorite colour? Pink/green/red/earthy
13. What is most important thing in your life? Ensuring I don’t intentionally or unintentionally hurt people by things I do
14. Favorite food? Hmm, hummous or avocado’s…. or both, or sushi, or a sesame seed bagel with avocado and bacon in it…or pesto pasta with chicken, mushrooms, spinach, or pizza, or or or, maybe I should stick with the hummous.
15. If you could play an instrument, what would it be? Guitar-properly-I used to play.
16. Boys or girls? In what context exactly are we talking about here?? Boys if its what I’m thinking of.
17. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? No
18. Storms? What about them?
19. What type was your first car? A beautiful white Lada!
20. Who is the one person from your past you wish you could go back and
talk with? Tom or my grandparents
21. Favorite alcoholic drink? Red wine
22. What's in the boot of your car? Cleared it out recently so nothing except a smelly mat.
23. Do you eat the stems on broccoli? Yes of course
24. If you could have any job you wanted, what would it be?
Own my own Yarn shop of course! As if you needed to ask….
25. Least likely to respond to this email? Pass
26. Ever been in love? Yes and still am
27. Is the glass half full or half empty? 3/4 full
28. Favorite movie? The girly Bridget Jones Diary or Amelie
29. Do you type with your fingers on the right keys? No but I use all fingers possible.
30. What's under your bed? Suitcases and travelling bags, the odd shoe.
31. What's your favorite number? 3
32. What’s your favorite sport to watch? Ireland winning the world cup…
33. Say at least one nice thing about the person who sent this to
you? I’ve known her for 10 years and she can still make me laugh over the stupidest thing.
34. If you could build a house, where would it be? West of Ireland, on the coastline
35. What's your favorite article of clothing? My red cardigan from Avoca
36. Beach, mountains or city? Beach and mountains!
37. Technology or art? Art
38. Comedy or horror? Comedy
39. Favorite physical feature of the opposite sex? Derierre
40. Favorite time of day? Early morning in the Spring when its starting to get light and when I get up in time on my day off to see it!
41. The last cd you bought? I bought 3 at the same time- Franz Ferdinand, Depeche Mode and Tom Petty
42. What's your favorite place to be massaged? Shoulders
43. What's more important to you, strong in mind or strong in body? Strong
in mind
44. What time do you wake up in the morning? 6.30 or 7, depending if Micheál is there (due to the bus, honest!)
45. What's your favorite kitchen item? Kettle for endless tea!
46. What makes you really angry? People who feel that they are superior to you and try and show it.
47. What do you prefer, a sports car or 4x4? 4x4
48. Do you believe in the afterlife? Yes
49. What is your favorite season? Autumn
50. If you could have one super power, what would it be? Transportation (get to work a hell of a lot quicker!)
51. If you have a tattoo, what is it? Celtic spiral
52. Can you juggle? No
53. What's your favorite day? Saturday
54. Which do you prefer, sushi or hamburger? Sushi (without prawns)
55. From the people you e-mail this to, who's most likely to respond first? Doesn’t apply as I’m going to put it on my blog, although I'm going to tag people...
56. Who did you receive this from? Sherri
57. What's your favorite cartoon? Spongebob Square pants
58. Favorite meal? Has to be pasta. Can't get enough of it
59. If you could take a vacation anywhere in the world, where would it be? There are so many places I want to go to that its very hard to choose just one! New Zealand, there you go.
60. Do you have any pets? Not this space though
And now I'm tagging Sharon and Isobel.....Margaret, Ruth and Siobhan (Faire)
Where did St Patrick go to anyway?
I arrived home yesterday evening to find this card from Sherri:
Thank you Sherri! I must admit, I have gotten extremely lax about sending cards in recent years, and I can't remember the last time I have sent a St Patricks Day card! I have sent e-cards alright, but not the paper type. Must get back into it again, its lovely receiving cards. Sherri and I have gotten into the (nice) habit of sending each other cards for no apparent reason, just to say hi, and again I have fallen a bit by the way-side with this practice, but Never Fear, I am right back there and will start again!!
One of the things Micheál and I were talking about on Friday (St Patricks Day), was that suddenly, St Patricks Day seems to be symbolised by Leprachauns.
Not St Patrick, whom the day is named after, but Leprachauns. All the shops have shamrocks, rainbows, greenery...and Leprachauns. no St Patrick to be seen anywhere. Where did the Leprachauns come into it? they are a fictional thing, St Patrick was a real person....and its supposed to be a holy day, and fictional leprachauns aren't holy....are they?
Okay, back off the rant, and onto real talk.
One Cafetiere cozy, ala Cheryl from SnBIE 
I haven't sewn on the velcro fastening yet so it is loking a bit loose in the first photo and I'm holding it in the second one, but both show the colours of the Noro Kureyon I used. It felted nicely on the first wash at 60 degree's but I put it through a second one to shrink it a bit more.
The velcro will also bring it up slightly on the cafetiere.
This is for my bf, as he likes his coffee.
I think I may do one of these for my Mum also, as Mother's day approaches fast and time is running out!
Meanwhile, I was busy knitting and felting this object, and then adorning it.
Its the Shackle from Rowan 38, and I went by the recommended wool which is Rowan Felted Tweed and Rowan Lurex Shimmer. The felted tweed is just lovely, and very soft once its felted. I love the felted tweed, and think I may have to indulge in more...
and I love the colour...(not great in these photos but its a dusky pink)

I'm not great at the embellishment part of things, but stuck with it and as a result have a few wobbly rows done. I also did the little bit of crochet for the buttons, which was an experience! Lots of different sized crochet loops. The buttons are not ideal, for me that is, but I didn't have any smaller that would fit over the needle I was using to sew them on so had no choice in the matter.
And as so many friends are having babies (3 at last count plus a work colleague) I decided I'd better get a move on with those bootees! I started this in the car on the way down to Clare but required too much concentration and I get car sick if I have to do that so I had to put it aside for the cafetiere cozy. I finished the first one on Sunday:
and will try and attempt to get the second one done this week.
Thats all from Planet Tangelled Angel, this posting has taken me ages as blogger photo's has been playing up big time.
Oh, and its snowing, again. It won't stick, probably won't even get a light dusting, but its still snow!
A sporty weekend to you!
Sportswoman Sara, that’s what I should be called. A weekend of sports has just been completed.
The bf and myself put a few bets on the Gold Cup in Cheltenham online on Thursday night. We chose 3 horses, and my bf already had a 4th horse from a work arrangement.
We put each way bets on the 3 horses (not exactly huge amounts, probably €5 was the most). One of the horses didn’t come anywhere, but the other 3 got 1st 2nd and 3rd!
Now talk about luck!
The second sporting item was watching the 6 Nations Rugby, where Ireland v England for the Triple Crown. Ireland had previously beaten England twice in a row (I have been told, me being the most sporty of people…not) and needed this game to get the Triple Crown…. and did it! That made it beating England 3 times in a row and winning the Triple Crown 2out of 3 times in the last 3 attempts. Pretty good me thinks. Go on ye boyo’s!! See some coverage here
And finally, I was brought (not dragged as some may think) to the Meath V Kildare match by Micheál and his Dad. It was a freezing day, but we were togged up well, one may call me Ms Michelin, thanks very much! While the match was televised, we were cunning enough to stand on the side where the cameras were, so as not to be caught.
I was flagged on the right by Micheál and his Dad, Meath supporters, and on the left by a very loud Kildare woman, who knew the entire Kildare team personally, it seemed. Micheál told me later that she was reading the names from the programme. I had thought that she was a Mammy of one of them and they were due to be getting a hiding later on. (One comment repeated ?shouted often was Bring it wit-cha won’t ya and other comments that I wouldn’t be able to put into print on this innocent knitting blog) Here's where you’ll find the details of the match.
Knitting news- I have been doing a few things over the weekend, small items, but no photo’s to show at the moment. That’s another days posting!
Oh, and Happy Belated St Patrick’s Day to all! I didn’t go into see the parade in Dublin, but spent the evening in the pub with Micheál, my sister and her hubbie. We definitely drowned the shamrock; think mouth-to-mouth was unsuccessful....
For Margaret
Tea, for two (or 10 perhaps?)
Finished Object number 2 is Exhibit a) on the left hand side of the picture. Here we see a classic shape which tapers nicely with the cut of the teapot. Exhibit b) on the right of the picture is a more modern take on the teacozy, but keeps the tea toasty warm none-the-less.

Spot the difference between the 2 pictures (and no, its not the fact that its 2 minutes later....)
Both the classic and the modern are both very capable of use with different teapots. Amazing fact eh!
I can see that you are bowled over by this knowledge.
A little bit of knowledge can be a dangerous thing you know, I'd better not go too much further (It IS Thursday after all, don't want to stress you too much before the bank holiday weekend!)

Here you can see how the stripes work with Exhibit a) and please try and ignore the piece
Of wool peaking out a bit at the spout. There is a reason for this, and it’s a valid one: I am trialing the tea cosy at home before giving it to my mum and I may need to tighten the gap here for her teapot, but I won’t know until I try, so just trying to cover all angles.
Pattern: My own, based very loosely on the 8 ball cosy from
Stitch n Bitch Nation Yarn: approx 70g of Wendy Naturelle pure new wool (ebay purchase) and 50g of Noro Kureyon
Time taken: Hard to tell, picked it up and put it down a few times.
EXHIBIT B)Pattern: Kureyon Kozy
Yarn: Noro Kureyon, 1 skein
Time taken: Made this before Christmas so can’t remember
FO and WIP
I finished this face cloth a little while ago for my friends Mum, who’s not well, in Canada. Thought I’d better take a photo before I send it off! There is also a small packet of soap in the photo; I think about 5 slices, all different. I got this handmade soap from a stall at the craft fair I was in last December.
The soap is made in Co. Clare, so I thought it was a fitting gift. I had a stall at the craft fair with my sister, selling cards and beaded angels.

I got the pattern
here and I used less than one ball of Rowan Hand knit cotton.
The WIP is being blocked as we speak: I washed it in warm water with woolite last night and pinned it to my ironing board.
Not a very flattering ironing board cover!
It is going to be sewn up and made into a tea cosy for my Mum! Photo is for Margaret in Boston really (Hi Margaret!), otherwise I would wait until it’s done, but that will be another post!
Stash of recycled yarn:
Minus the other 3 balls of blue yarn and the 2 balls of brown that were drying (I think I took this photo in between measuring for yardage)
Checking for yardage:
And homemade nostepinde:
unvarnished,but not unloved...
Adventures in Clare
Get the kettle on and the bikkies out. Long post ahead.
Okay, instead I think you should wait and make that cuppa, settle down in front of your PC, get that biscuit ready to dunk, and here we go.
I've had a very exciting weekend indeed!
Be prepared for a very long post, with lots of photo's!
Plenty of warning do you think?
My boyfriend has finalised the purchase of a cottage in Clare, and that's where we were for the weekend. When I say the weekend, we went down on Saturday and came back up on Sunday. The cottage is waiting a rewire, so we went prepared with gas lamps, torches, fuel for the fire and camping stove. After we had gotten there and ooed and aahed over things, we went out for a drive around the area. Unfortunately, it was a very wet day and the rain hampered things a bit. But it definitely made for interesting photos! Here is the first in a series I am going to show you.

This beach is fairly near the cottage. I wouldn't say its near but you can see the general location of it from the next photo, in fact you can see the curve there about 1/4 way into the photo from the right hand side....>
View from the cottage of fields and sea and Mutton Island.
Its very confusing describing the front or back of the house. Technically, I would call the photo below, the front of the house. But its actually the back of the house, the original front door is on the other side and you will see this in another photo further on. Being prepared for the weather, we got into our wellies and hopped over the gate to the field behind the house. Here I took a photo of the house from the back:
House from kitchen end.
The back door is on the left of the kitchen, which comprises of the 2 windows to the right, and the bathroom is the small window on the left of that. The window on the very left is the main bedroom.
Moving back towards the house again and beyond it to the left, we come to the bridge, which goes over the former West Clare railway. Here is what's left of it.
former West Clare Railway Track
They are talking about revising the railway. I hope they do, it's a shame that they tore it up in the first place. The cottage is actually a former railway cottage, which adds to the charm. There are railway sleepers in the garden actually.
This is the view from the bridge down towards the cottage. See how you can see the sea behind it through the trees?
and this is the cottage from the front, with the conservatory attached to the front. If you look inside the conservatory, you can see the original front-whitewashed door.

See the red painted windows, aren't they great?
There is also a red painted gate to the right of the photo, has come down from its moorings, but that will be fixed.
Moving away from the cottage itself, THIS had to be done in order to celebrate:
Champagne remains.. There are a number of outhouses beside the cottage, one was locked and look what we found when we went into it
I think this is called a Monarch butterfly. I think it may have just emerged from its cocoon as it was making very slow movements of its wings and was quite noisy. It didn't like the torch shining on it either. I think it may be a bit early for the butterfly to come out. Hope it survives the weather. Its going to turn cold again this week.
We also found the quickest way to the beach, its just over a mile from the cottage, very easily walked, or cycled (or even driven...hmmm,wonder which one I prefer..)
This is the approach down to the beach. I think the beach is around 5 miles in length. It was very wild when we were there, waves crashing in towards the shore. The last time we were there we approached it from the other end, and it was just as wild. Good surfing waves!
Arty photo:
or is it a spoooky photo....?
This was taken through the binoculars. Its of the other end of the beach, where the golf clubhouse and hotel is. Its HUGE, isn't it!
Here's another proper non-spooky one showing the surf

and the man himself, braving the Atlantic! Brrrrr

Oh okay, he had his wellies on, very wise indeed
Finally I leave you with this image

It came free with the cottage.
I may be spinning before I know it!
(I hope it works! I know NOTHING about spinning)
An update on Daffodils
An update on the daffodils is that they are flurishing throughout the snap of cold weather we have been having. Here they are, happy with their beech hedging protecting them.

I haven't been knitting for the last 2 days (I know, shock and horror!) but I have been busy otherwise.
I have seen the wisdom of
recycling yarn as seen in Ashleys site, and I have been busy learning about the process. Several badly knit jumpers later, I now have the products of about 4 jumpers in a bag. This of course is not enough for me, I went into a charity shop again yesterday and bought a baby blue poncho, which I went about unravelling last night. I then moved onto a jumper I had been unravelling the night previously, and measured out just over 400 yards on my new yarn measuring implement that my bf kindly out together for me (no pic but will update in next post). I divided this 400 yards into 2 skeins and washed them in woolite, in fairly warm water, rinsing them twice or three times, and then hung them to dry in my bathroom.
If you click on the pic,you can even see the drips of water from the right hand one!
This is just the product of the back of the jumper, I haven't even started on the front or the arms. I started with the back because it was the easiest, although the arms are seperated, but they have a lovely teacher-like patch on the elbows which were frustrating me removing them. The front has a zip at the top and its frustrating me also, so left all the rest for another time.
Here is a bad close up of the wool with a funny shiny thing which must have been a result of the flash against the railing.

The wool is actually a nice brown, with a few flecks in it. I can see it as a nice bag, with funky lining. Its also really soft. I will take more pictures, it was quite late when i was doing this and as usual I decided to forego sleep over getting it finished!
I have got a bid on a lovely nostepinde on ebay from the States, which fingers crossed, I'll win. In the meantime, my bf has made me my own one out of a chair leg we bought in Woodies! If my skeins are dry, I'll be trying it out tonight! Must take pictures.
Misty damp morning
There was a 3 car collision just off the slip road from the Celbridge roundabout onto the N4 this morning, which affected the traffic in that unique Irish way- it stopped it completely. As I was coming along the roundabout and about to take the slip road onto the motorway, I noticed in horror that the traffic was backed up under the motorway and as far as the eye could see to the left and to the right. As I threw out a few expletives, I quickly made the decision not to take that road. That left 2 options, go back through Celbridge, Newcastle and onto the N7, to similar traffic probably, or to go the country roads past Intel and along the Strawberry beds. I chose the latter, hoping against hope that it wouldn’t be affected.
A crash on any of the roads going into Dublin in the morning seems to have a knock-on effect everywhere, even if you are going down the road to your local shop for some milk.
So I took the much longer route of Strawberry beds (sounds delightful, dontcha think?) and was free sailing until probably almost the end of the strawberry beds. As the traffic slowed down to a halt at traffic lights, I managed to get this picture.
It’s a bit fuzzy as the car in front of me started going as I took it and I panicked, thinking the guy behind me was thinking what a weirdo taking photo’s at that time of the morning!
Anyway, it followed with a lovely drive through Phoenix Park; sightings of a herd of deer and a Stag in the distance, watching the cars pass by. Again I tried to take a pic but didn’t get them and it was very fuzzy, oh what the hell, here it is.
If anyone reading this is not Irish, and plans on coming to Ireland at some stage, I would advise going to Phoenix Park early in the morning for a walk, especially a damp misty morning like today, it was glorious. I felt like abandoning my car and staying there for a while, but work called.
Knitty news, I finished the butterfly scarf

It measures 65 inches and I didn’t take a pic of me wearing it as I was in my caj gear and looked a sight!
I also got delivery of a parcel from an ebay purchase (note to self: stop buying yarn!) which I bought specifically for a Rowan book I had bought, of course I bought the wrong type, I bought cotton rope, not cotton tape, but I will go ahead and see what I can do with it.
Here it is:
And here’s what I’m hoping to make with it, first of all:

And here are the finished 2 needle socks from Debbie Bliss. The first of many!

You are Bettie Page |
 Girl next door with a wild streak You're a famous beauty - with unique look And the people like you are cultish about it |
Sara the Conqueror!
Formally known as Stripy Socks superhero
(Internal joke!)
I have managed to knit one of the 2 needle socks from Debbie Bliss. Here is the evidence:

think I know what I did wrong. The part that requires you to put (?) 12 stitches in the middle of the row onto a stitch holder in order to proceed with knitting the heel, I did so, and then I think it was at this point I read the pattern wrong and knit several rows on these stitches, instead of on the heel. I must have put it down and come back to it a few minutes later and made the mistake at that point, as when I went to create 8 stitches down the side of the heel and then knit from the stitch holder, that’s when I ran into difficulties. No matter how much I read the pattern, I couldn’t figure it out. Note to myself in that situation again: put it down and come back with a fresh approach the next day.
I of course, continued the sock and had a piece separating the heel bit from the top of the foot bit, and it just wasn’t right.
I started afresh on another sock, in another colour (perhaps I was pushing my luck knitting a pink sock as my first friend that is due already has a little boy aged 2), white, and successfully completed it first time round, without frogging any of it, and with the pink one beside me as a guide NOT what to do. I did however miss a couple of rows at the cuff so its not as long as it should be, but I remembered to do this in the second sock, which I’m half way through as we speak. So they will match at least.
I reckon that I will be able to do a pair of these easily in an evening, so will stock up a bit on them before moving onto the baby hat in the same book Debbie Bliss, Baby knits for beginners simple hat. I mean, look at the face on the baby, isn’t he just gorgeous??!! How could I not recreate the same look of joy in a baby wearing a handknit hat! I mean, obviously, he/she will know that it’s a special hat….
On another note, this is what I was also doing over the weekend.
We did quite a bit of driving around over the weekend, and I made my poor bf do all the driving so I could knit in the passenger seat. Its an easy knit, and I plan to wear it a lot during the day at work, and other times also! I may have to do a few alternative colours/ variations in yarn. It’s from the StitchnBitch Nation book, which I have, but you can also download the pattern in a pdf format here and it’s the butterflies are free pattern. I did this previously for my sister and did the butterfly also, crochet and all, even though I don’t crochet, and my mum thought it looked like a turtle……
I’m using a Tivoli yarn called Sophia and the composition is 30% cotton, 30% nylon, 20% mohair and 20% acrylic. 50g=90 metres. I got a bag of it from Hickeys a good while back, reduced to €1.85 a ball at the time, and made my first pair of wrist warmers from it also (which were swiped by Siobhan) which I am planning on repeating. Its nice and soft when knitted up, and warm also.
Sorry for the quality of these pictures, its hard to get a good photo of yourself!
As you can see, it isn’t finished yet, the end isn’t weaved in, and it’s still attached to a knitting needle! I hope to get it finished this evening. I want it a lot longer.
What have I knit!!??!!

I have no new knitting pictures to show you today.
However, to start this post off, here is a pic of the sunset on the way home from work a couple of nights ago. During the night we got a light dusting of snow where I live.
It’s been quite cold here over the last few days, but nothing like other countries I’m sure! Last night was the coldest it has gotten and here is the forecast for tonight:
Very cold again tonight with temperatures again falling below freezing in all areas and as low as minus 6 degrees inland. A widespread severe frost will develop soon after dark and icy stretches can be expected on the roads. Some further snow showers are likely in the North and Northwest but elsewhere it should stay dry overnight. There will be a light northerly wind.
Despite this, the daffodils are struggling to come out. They line the N4 from Dublin to where I live and make a cheery sight to see.

Anyway, I was at the SnB IE meeting last Saturday and one of the girls said that I had knit loads of things and every time she looked I had something new.
So I decided to count up what I had done over the last few months:
- Since Nov 2005, I have knit 7 hats, 4 scarves, 2 curley wurleys, 2 bags, 1 muff, 1 set of wrist warmers, 1 pair of gloves, 1 facecloth, 1 sock and 1&1/2 teacozy’s since I started back into knitting.
- That’s 21&1/2 items in the last 4 months.
- I still have half a teacozy to go and another sock.
- Only one of these items was for me
- One of the other items was for me also (the wristwarmers) but I gave them to a friend after she raved about them.
- I have 5 WIP’s at the moment, including the other half of the teacozy, 2nd sock and a hat for myself, the first of a pair of 2 needle socks from Debbie Bliss, and a scarf from StitchnBitch Nation for myself (trying to get some things done for me when I can!)
- I would have another 4 WIP’s on the go except I’m trying my best to restrain myself casting on for them.
So there you go, busy as always!
I’m actually finding the 2 needle socks a little confusing. The part where you take stitches in the middle of a row and place it onto a stitch holder, and then re-join them at a later dateà this has caused great confusion with me. I had them in front of the stitches as I picked up stitches along the side of the heel, then they seemed totally out of place so I pulled them through the hole with great difficulty and knit from the stitch holder and picked up along the other side of the heel, but then it looked even worse, so I frogged back, went back to the original bit of the stitch holder, repeated the process with the stitches to the front of the work, have continued a bit since then, and then had to put it aside because I just HAD to go to bed at that stage! I don’t have the book in front of me as I type this, but think that’s what I did anyways. I will continue on and see how it turns out, but it looks a very small diameter for an albeit small foot..but anyway. Anyone have the same issues I’ve had? It’s a pity if it doesn’t work out because I was planning on making a stock of these as have a few friends with due dates looming….
I may have to turn to baby bootees.