Where did St Patrick go to anyway?
I arrived home yesterday evening to find this card from Sherri:I must admit, I have gotten extremely lax about sending cards in recent years, and I can't remember the last time I have sent a St Patricks Day card! I have sent e-cards alright, but not the paper type. Must get back into it again, its lovely receiving cards. Sherri and I have gotten into the (nice) habit of sending each other cards for no apparent reason, just to say hi, and again I have fallen a bit by the way-side with this practice, but Never Fear, I am right back there and will start again!!
One of the things Micheál and I were talking about on Friday (St Patricks Day), was that suddenly, St Patricks Day seems to be symbolised by Leprachauns.
Not St Patrick, whom the day is named after, but Leprachauns. All the shops have shamrocks, rainbows, greenery...and Leprachauns. no St Patrick to be seen anywhere. Where did the Leprachauns come into it? they are a fictional thing, St Patrick was a real person....and its supposed to be a holy day, and fictional leprachauns aren't holy....are they?
Okay, back off the rant, and onto real talk.

The velcro will also bring it up slightly on the cafetiere.
This is for my bf, as he likes his coffee.
I think I may do one of these for my Mum also, as Mother's day approaches fast and time is running out!
Meanwhile, I was busy knitting and felting this object, and then adorning it.
Its the Shackle from Rowan 38, and I went by the recommended wool which is Rowan Felted Tweed and Rowan Lurex Shimmer. The felted tweed is just lovely, and very soft once its felted. I love the felted tweed, and think I may have to indulge in more...
and I love the colour...(not great in these photos but its a dusky pink)

I'm not great at the embellishment part of things, but stuck with it and as a result have a few wobbly rows done. I also did the little bit of crochet for the buttons, which was an experience! Lots of different sized crochet loops. The buttons are not ideal, for me that is, but I didn't have any smaller that would fit over the needle I was using to sew them on so had no choice in the matter.
And as so many friends are having babies (3 at last count plus a work colleague) I decided I'd better get a move on with those bootees! I started this in the car on the way down to Clare but required too much concentration and I get car sick if I have to do that so I had to put it aside for the cafetiere cozy. I finished the first one on Sunday:

Thats all from Planet Tangelled Angel, this posting has taken me ages as blogger photo's has been playing up big time.
Oh, and its snowing, again. It won't stick, probably won't even get a light dusting, but its still snow!
Fair play to Sherri for the St. Patricks Day card - I don't think I've sent one since I was a child! Look at all your new knitted things. The cafetiere cozy looks great. I use Rowan Felted Tweed for one of my range of baby knits. They've some really great colours in that yarn.
We don't celebrate St. Patricks Day here in Austria, so it's really interesting reading a bit about what it's about!
You've been so productive these past days - I love the coffee cozy, and that little baby bootie is sooo cute! Great work!
Thanks both of you. I don't know about you guys, but there's never enough time for knitting is there!!
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