More Chrimbo pressies

The tangelled mess is the almost-finished French Market bag from knitty. I still have to graft together the handles, and just waiting for some quiet time to do that where I won't be disturbed, as I've never used kitchener stitch before. I used Freedom 100%wool by Twilleys of Stamford, 50m/50g ball, and size 4.5 dpns to start and switched to circulars when it got too big for the dpns. I knit a swatch for it and still need to measure this and then try my first attempt at felting before I plunge in with the bag itself. I am very exited about the way it will turn out, but nervous about trying it as all the reading I have done about felting is from the States and using top loader washing machines, and I have a front loader. Im also excited about giving it to Siobhan (all being well with it turning out right!) as I know she will love it.
What do you think of my attempts?
What do you think of my attempts?
hey sara!
just been having a quick wander through your blog, and YOURE RIGHT, the teacosy i have seen before and liked is the one on your blog!
prob have to measure my teapot though to be sure...
anyway cheerio for now, we have invited you round tonight but you are spending it with the nearest and dearest as he is on call. thats ok, another night...
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