Secret Parcel

Obviously it is the back of it cos I don't want to show the world her address!I will be getting to the post office this lunchtime to send it.
So I hope she gets it soon, and I hope she likes what I have put in it. Its definately the best of the 3 and I had to cellotape the box shut as it was so full.
So here is some of the roving I'm spinning on my NEW spinning wheel.

Ronnie has actually sat on my treadling leg while I've been spinning, watching everything with interest. Made the spinning a bit harder, but a nice spinning memory.

Some of the kool-aid comes out with better colours than others. I will be mixing colours the next time and see what combinations I come up with.

Its been raining here the last few days so I can't hang it outside at the moment.

Well, guess I'll just have to join the sorority of spinners. My wheel is being shipped today (or so they say). Addressed to the REPUBLIC of Ireland. It'll be just like Christmas! Then I can spin too (without kitten on my leg though)!
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