Luas Knitting

Well, until the weekend is over anyway...
Well, what to do when you are on the Luas, probably for at least a 30 minute journey, and you have knitting in your bag?
You knit, thats what!
It was a great time to do it and an easy knit that I didnt have to concentrate too much on.
One of the thoughts going through my mind however, was that I really should have attached a row marker to the end of the Yoga Socks as I'm pretty sure that I have over estimated how many rows I knit!

The Yoga Socks are a birthday present for my sister which is why she shouldn't be reading this as she will be getting them at the weekend from me and if she IS reading this, then she has just ruined her surprise. I warned ya Ruth!
I have finished one of them and tried it on and it looks pretty good actually, if I say so myself. I think she'll like them....hopefully....and its not the only thing she's getting, don't worry!
Talking of the yoga socks, Jussi who designed them, has just opened her new shop called Knits for beloved babies . Go and have a look, its pretty cool.
Talking of cool, have you seen my knitty friend Sharon's shop? Go check it out , its great...Clicketyknits
Just the thing for someone who is not sure what to get a friend/ family member.
I knit a hat and boottee set for a friend of mine on the birth of her baby boy, and she was so delighted with them that she asked me to knit a set for a friend of hers who was also due.
She felt that it was a unique and special gift to give a new Mum.
Now, for a view from the back of the Luas
There is a driver bit on both ends of the luas, so that they can just hop into whichever end goes to the front!
I'm sitting backwards here, and just flying through all that traffic...what a luxury.

hi sara
only just read your blog about the yoga sock (s) so the surprise was maintained! i have tried my sock on and it is an excellent fit! however, i feel i cannot take up a yoga past-time again until i have the second one....i'm off now to measure my teapot.....
ok, teapot measuring is completed...inches or cm?
body of teapot is 17' (44cm)
height (incl lid) is 8' (20.5cm)
width from end of spout to end of handle is 10.5' (27cm)
no preference for colours, something bright and cheerful, maybe stripes? i'll leave the design element up to you
not sure how this will be sent to you, email? i cant think of your email offhand so figured this be the handiest way while im on your site anyway. I know youre in clare at the moment so catch up with you during week (maybe tomorrow as i might come down myself for the funeral)
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