Spinning like a mad woman
Its been quite a while since I posted about my spinning on this blog.August to be precise. Can you believe that?
Its not that I havent been doing any, I have, just havent been posting.
This will rectify that!
If you remember, I posted about the Madder and Safflower dyed Galway Cross that I carded together, to get this lovely combination of colours.
This is what it looks like spun up

I got great yardage from this lot, which was half of the original seperate colours that I dyed. Now I will have to card together the other half and spin that up too as the more I have of it the better!

This is one of the koolaid dyed Jacobs fleece that I spun

I took a part of the fleece that had a lot of the black in it and only a small amount of white, and carded it together so that it was blended together, then dyed it. I loved the way the colour turned out in it. unfortunately I only dyed a small amount of this so I only have the one skein of it, and I spun it so thinly that I used all of the roving in order to get a good yardage on it.
I think it really needs to be plyed with something, so I may have to see if I can dye up another lot of Jacobs to match it.
What else, well I have been doing a lot of trials and testing with other roving that I've either dyed, or using straight from the fleece after carding. As I'm still a leaner spinner, and dyer, all of this is good practice for me.

She is bringing it to the knitting and stitching show in the RDS and I'm a bit jealous of how good she is (hear that Holly?!).
I have a very small amount of blue faced leicester that I got on ebay one time, so I may have a go at that before making the decision to buy more as I have tons of fleece to spin with as it is! I know who can supply me with some also....which makes it even more tempting..yikes!
Labels: Spinning
Your yarn looks awesome. I love that Jacobs. I'll have to dye mine soon. Your spinning is looking very good.
Definately not as good as yours Holly, I'll have to pull my socks up!
The colours in your yarn are wonderful. Just to let you know I can't click through to any of the links you used on the post - when I do it asks me to sign into Beta Blogger. I put in my normal blogger code and it still wouldn't bring me to site/reference you had linked to.
lovely! i'm not a spinner myself so i'm always admiring those who can. i've been really busy lately, but a little parcel will soon be making its way across land and sea to you...
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