Baby boys
What do you do when you make some tiny shoes?
You find a tiny baby to put them on!
In my case I found 2.
2 babies that is.
I had 2 friends have their baby boys over the course of a week.
So Micheál and I went a-visiting.
I made this Matinee Jacket also from Sublime yarn by Sirdar that I bought at the Knitting and Stitching show in Birmingham. Its a blend of cashmere, silk, merino and its also called Baby Cashmerino. It was nice to knit with, though I found it split quite a lot while knitting with it.
The pattern is from Baby Cashmerino 2 by Debbie Bliss, which I also picked up at the knitting and stitching show. I reckon I have enough left out of the 4 balls of yarn I bought to make a pair of socks to match the jacket.
I wanted to use green ribbon but I was in a rush to find some before handing it over to the Mum so I found this purple ribbon instead, which is just as well as the Mum loves purple!
This Mum also got a baby feet washcloth for baba, its her first one.

The Other Mum will be getting some bootees and a hat for baba also, and big sister will be getting a hat and some slippers (she asked where were her shoes when she spotted them!! And she wants red hearts on hers too)
The yarn I used for the wee shoes is my own handspun, one of my earlier efforts. I have used it for another little project also, more on that to come.
Thanks to woollywormhead for the advice on getting blogger to cooperate, its definately helped as you can see!!!
How cool is that, you got to knit your handspun, brilliant. I also love the washcloth, is that an online pattern or from a book?
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