Very Fetching Indeed

I knit myself a pair of Fetching Wristwarmers in time for the Electric Picnic (see the many posts before this on it!) and I wore them both days I was there, got a lot of people commenting on them.
I brought them out with me last night when meeting friends, among them Isabelle who I used to work with, and who has been jetsetting ever since, she's lived in New Zealand, Australia, the Isle of Man, and is now in Switzerland. And is originally from France. Did I mention she lived here in Ireland also for a time? She comes back to haunt us regularly (sorry Isa!!)
Anyway, Isabelle runs, and thought that my wristwarmers would be great for keeping her handies warm in the Swiss winter-time.
So Isabelle now is the proud owner of a pair of very fetching wristwarmers.

A very proud Fetching pose.
They're quite contagious, aren't they? I'm knitting another pair quite soon. Nice, quick stylish project....great for gifts or for myself!
Oh, love Fetching and yours turned out quite nice! One of these days I am planning on knitting these:)
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