Sniffing Yarn

If I have a nice ball of yarn in my hand, I automatically go to have a sniff, although I don't always follow through with it if there are other people near me, I'm a bit self-concious like that!
Button above is courtesy of Grumperina and I now need to find out how to put it on my sidebar. I'll look into that at the weekend (along with numerous other things that I put off until the weekend and then put off until the next weekend, and carry forward until it actually gets done, or I forget about it)
Meanwhile, we have fuzzy foot number one:

I tried to take a picture of the Lopi Tote but it just looked like a jumble of knitting on the circular needle, so I had to abandon it. It'll be another posting!
The River wrap from Rowan 38, I have it at 1% on the sidebar, this is because I have literally only cast on and done 2 rows! Its very fine yarn (kidsilk haze) and with such large needles, I struggled to get that far. It may be frogged at some stage as my enthusiasm for it has gone totally already :(
But I'm making good progress on baby items, I have made some lovely baby shoes and currently making bootees to match, and am just waiting to sew on the buttons on the shoes before taking pictures and posting them.
Outside of knitting, I made some lasagne last night for dinner which went down very well with my bf and myself and there was enough left over to put in the freezer for another dinner.
I also bought my bf his Easter egg, and its now hidden so
I may be making another tripto the shop as my choccie urgings are increasing and not decreasing, as I thought they would, and I will be looking to have a choccie feast in exactly 9 days time!!!
As well as the tulips from Amsterdam, my bf bought me some Dutch choccie and a teapot (I like my teapots!) and they are currently in his place so no chance to take pics as yet, but again for another posting! The choccie is also (perhaps?) safe in his place.....although choccie has been known to disappear quite frequently there....hmm, maybe I should take it into safe keeping....just in case the choccie monster appears....although he has been doing very well...
And when you do figure out how to put that button in your sidebar don't be afraid to share the knowledge! I haven't gotten round to figuring that out myself.
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