Yoga Socks, finished eventually!

Yarn: Yarn swap with Cheryl, unsure exactly what it is but a superwash Donegal Tweed blend.
Pins: Size 5 circ's/dpn's
Pins: Size 5 circ's/dpn's
Time: Not very long, can't remember exactly. Frogged the first pair I attempted to make in Noro and retried with this yarn.
How Overdue: Got the first done on time for my sisters birthday, the second shortly after but didnt give the second one to her for almost a month after! OOps. This was back in August....
Post posting comment: Forgot to say well done to my model, the lovely Ruth, who posed magnificently in some typical yoga poses for me. Just as well they fit her then....
Labels: Inspiration, Knitting
Love the yoga socks!
Very cool indeed! And I like that they are dark so they don't show dirt from being on the floors (so very practical I know....). Almost makes me want to take up yoga. Note I said 'almost'!
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