31 Aug 2006

Sorry for being a bit absent

A number of things have happened lately, I've moved jobs (temporarily I hope), my great uncle on my Mums side passed away a couple of weeks ago, and last week my great aunt on my Dads side passed away. Both of them the last of their generation.
I also have gall stones and have been plagued with pains and aches since last saturday which resulted in me finally going to my GP on tuesday evening (and those of you who know me would know that I don't go to my GP if I can at all help it).
So I have been off from work since then, feeling a bit in the doldrums, and hoping that I will feel okay for this weekend.
Whats happening this weekend I hear you ask?
Have you not been reading my blog? Shame on you!
Go now and read through the previous entries and I'll hold on for you.

Okay, now that you are up to speed.
The Knitted, sorry,Electric picnic is on this weekend and we are going a-knitting at it. What a great combination that will be! knitting and music, and a bit of the nattering too.
Anyway, I'm down at the library using the PC there, as I had to get out for some fresh air, and can't link to it or upload photos, but you will get the drift if you read my previous ravings about it.
I'll post properly soon, I promise, and you will be inundated with lots of photos then....


At 17:06, Blogger Robin said...

The Electric Picnic sounds like a lot of fun...will you be meeting up with other knitters there? My "spoiler" for SP8, knittingneels.com is supposed to be going...she'll be knitting!
I hope you get to feeling better, I know what gall bladder pain feels like.
Give the Kitties a rub under the chin for me!


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