Change of font
Okay so I started messing around with my blog template this morning and next thing you know, I have changed the font.This is a font I use all the time at work, but I'm not so sure of it on the blog.
What do YOU think about it, does it work or is it too all over the place???
I like the font. Only wish I could make that mistake on mine. Holly
I like it. It's casual and friendly, yet easy to read.
Secret Pal
yes very nice font indeed. However the photos aren't appearing, i wonder is it just my work pc though. Can't see the kitties
Hmm, thats strange. I can see the photo's no problem and haven't heard otherwise. maybe its your PC? Has anyone else had probs viewing the pictures? I have decreased the resolution on them so that there wouldn't be problems loading them.
I can see the lovely kitties just fine, but then again, I'm a Mac owner using Safari...everything's clearer with a Mac! :-) Re font, I'd ask what pleases you? Since your blog is a virtual extension of yourself, if you like it, then fair play to ya!
I can see them fine, and I'm using a PC.
Secret Pal
All looks good to me - I want to get me some of those WIP's bars - can you let me know a source?
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