Handspun and dyed yarn

This is the hand-dyed and hand-spun yarn from Holly, from StitchNBitchIE.
There are 3 different types:The green mix and the pink at the back are a wool mix,
The grey/pink skein on the front right is shetland
The purple skein is merino and I think the orange and the green skeins in the middle are also merino, although I could be wrong and one of them could be shetland.( The brown cakes are not Holly's, just happen to be in the picture)
Here is a closer view:

The purple and the grey/pink mix are no longer in Holly's possession, they are in MINE (Haw haw haw, evil laugh) and I have 2 skeins of the grey/pink mix and I have just used one of them to make a bowl from One Skein and have some fluff left over from it. Still need to felt it so will post a before and after photo (if it felts well!!☻)
However, if any of you are interested in trying out her other handspun, drop me an email and I'll pass it on to her. These were only samples of what she is currently doing.
Those are some really nice dye jobs. I think they are all so pretty. Very talented!
Hi, I really like the green mix, if you could please pass on my email add to your friend I'd be very grateful for your enabling!
Replace the ATs and the DOTs!
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