
The second one has been in my handbag for I would say as long as 2 months, and transported between handbags also! After the last posting where I said I would be putting baby knits on hold for a while in order to finish off what I already had on the needles, I started immediately into the sock, and actually put the bootees on hold until I finished it! And yes, I know that the pattern isn't even, I continued on with the same ball of yarn for the second pair. If you look at the photo above and shift the one on the bottom up slightly, you can see where they match.
For anyone wondering (like in StitchNBitchIE

So the next WIP to be finished is going to be the bootees, which I will get done tonight. And then I will turn to the other UFO's I have hanging around (except maybe River).
One of the reasons that I so wanted to finish the socks, was actually to start another pair, can you believe! But this time in a non-self patterning yarn, and with a bit more variation than stocking stitch, it got a bit boring just going around and around and around with no thought for pattern.
I also wouldn't choose this yarn again. It was Sirdar Town and Country.
In retrospect, I don't really like the pattern that it creates, I'm more into plain colours or stripes, and I reckon that half the time I spent knitting the pair was actually taken up in detangling the yarn as it seemed to rub against each other and fuse to the next strand. Veyr frustrating indeed!
Again in retrospect, I would have pre-wound the yarn into a manageable cake, but then again I didnt have my magic yarn winder when I started!
Despite this, I'm keen to start another pair, using a plain colour, not for myself, and watch this space...
So, on that note, I will leave you with a picture of this morning, at approx 7am, when I was just about to leave the house for work....
One of the reasons that I so wanted to finish the socks, was actually to start another pair, can you believe! But this time in a non-self patterning yarn, and with a bit more variation than stocking stitch, it got a bit boring just going around and around and around with no thought for pattern.
I also wouldn't choose this yarn again. It was Sirdar Town and Country.
In retrospect, I don't really like the pattern that it creates, I'm more into plain colours or stripes, and I reckon that half the time I spent knitting the pair was actually taken up in detangling the yarn as it seemed to rub against each other and fuse to the next strand. Veyr frustrating indeed!
Again in retrospect, I would have pre-wound the yarn into a manageable cake, but then again I didnt have my magic yarn winder when I started!
Despite this, I'm keen to start another pair, using a plain colour, not for myself, and watch this space...
So, on that note, I will leave you with a picture of this morning, at approx 7am, when I was just about to leave the house for work....
Well done! See you Saturday. No need to bring the Simply Knitting mag - I finally got a copy but thanks all the same.
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