Cable Twist

Well you would think I had learned by now.
I have been meaning to make this bag for my friend since the start of January, as she is the one who's 40th I'm going to at the weekend for her celebrations, and the first curley wurley scarf is for, and of course I have a deadline of this Friday to have it made by. When did I start it? Monday of this week.
Now I do have an excuse, several excuses, but none really relevant. In my defence, I did start the bag a week previously but had to frog it as it was just plain crap.
This time, I decided to double the wool as I don't want to have to line the bag as I'm not great at the ole sewing and I don't really have the time to be doing it either, and I have written down the pattern as I have been going along also, so i don't forget what Im doing from one evening to the next! I have taken the cable pattern from "The Harmony Guide to Knitting- Techniques and stitches-Debra Mountford (Editor)" and the cable pattern I am using is the Cable and Twist Ripple. There is a very good selection of cable patterns in this book, I have used it previously in my knitting past.
Here is a close up of the cable pattern:

Since I took these photos, I have done another repeat of the cable pattern and have started on the base of the bag. I hope it will be done by Friday!
Hi Sara,
The cable looks impressive - how are you getting on with it? How are you going to finish it off - what sort of handles are you going to use? The colour looks great by the way, I'm sure your friend will love it.
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