The weekend ahead

This is where we are heading this weekend, to have this view for the whole weekend!
Isn't it amazing?!
I hope we get some decent weather in order to make the most of the weekend.
I can't say where it is we are going...yet, but it will be the main heading of a post very very shortly!
(and yes, I know its still only Tuesday, you don't have to think it!)
Here is another view:

Knitting wise, I have been very slow. I cast on for a pair of wristwarmers using Noro Silver Thaw, as I had done a hat in it previously, and after (almost) finishing the first one, I have come to the conclusion that the wool is too heavy for the pattern. So I face the decision, to frog or not to frog. I think I'll put it aside for a while and concentrate on other things for a while, and then go back to it and see how I feel about it.
I have been learning a bit about html tonight also, please see my results on the right hand side of the page, the link to The Time Traveller's Wife and Gorillaz! I'll be getting there over the next few weeks, with stolen time at my BF's PC when I can.
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