The late late knit show

I felt like I was a kid at Christmas time.
The first parcel contained some items I ordered from Get, on recommendation from Isobel when she ordered some Debbie Bliss Maya.
Of course I ended up ordering 4 skeins of maya, in 2 different colours, 2 skeins of Lorna's Laces, 2 balls of GGH as they were very keenly priced in the sale, and one skein of Noro Kochoran as I wanted to try it out. Isobel was much more sensible than me however and ordered one skein of maya. Ah well, I have plans for them all already!
They packaged the wool very nicely, the lorna's laces wool and the kochoran were parcled up seperately in pink crepe paper, and they also threw in a free lollipop and pen!

The second package was wool that I was successful in bidding on in ebay. This was almost 2 weeks ago and I was starting to think it wasn't going to arrive.

The bluey/pink wool I think I'm going to make into a bag, its a lovely wool.
The pinky wool however, Im not sure what to do with yet. The colour is not as vivid as I expected, its a rather dull colour really, and its 3 ply, so I don't know what I was doing bidding on it. The curse of getting excited about wool hits again! I may be able to do some socks with it or something.
However, I haven't just been buying, I've been making also.

I started doing a winter muff for my sister, as she was going skiing and requested it. However, I got mixed up with WHEN she was going skiing, and that along with the wool order taking its time to arrive, I didn't get it started in time. I didn't even try, as the wool arrived the day before she was leaving and I knew it wouldn't get done in time. I put it aside for a few days. So now I'm working on it, and its knitting up really fast, I should have it finished tonight. I'm sure she'll still use it, its her kind of thang.

Ohhh, that all looks lovely.
I'd love to have a look at the Lorna's Laces yarn - I think it's time I made myself some socks and I love the look of the colour of that. Of course, I really should wind up one at least one of the three projects on the needles at the moment first.
I'll bring the Lorna laces yarn along to the next StitchNBitch meeting if I remember, and if you can hold out that long without ordering some for yourself!I must say, they are what got me most excited, and I haven't even attempted making socks yet. Think I should practice with some not so nice wool first in case I make a complete mess of it! I have a few things I should wind up first also, but its so hard to do when we are so enthusiastic about it all isn't it LOL
Looking forward to seeing the winter muff complete - it looks great so far. Know what you mean about ordering's hard to stop isn't it. If only we had the time to knit it all up....I've an ever increasing stash!
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