Knitted Picnic again, belatedly

Okay well I think that a lot of the photos from the Electric Picnic really speak for themselves.
I must admit, I had ONE pint of beer the whole 2 days we were there and that was last thing on Saturday night, in between Belle and Sebastian and The Frames.It was lovely too!
The rest of the time I became very acquainted with the very yummy Rooibus citrus tea from suki-tea, and creamy vegan Chai tea. I ate very well also, no stodge for me thank you very much! Veggie Falafal, pasta and peso, goats cheese rocket and red pesto crepes. Yummy yummy. I'm not vegetarian, but a lot of the time at these type of festivals etc, I am just drawn to this type of food
A lot of people came to our knitting tent and everyone seemed to have a great time.
We got comments like, this is JUST what I need today, if I knew you were here I would have been here earlier, a lot of people said that they hadn't knit since school and that they had been taught by their mums or their grans or teachers.
Some people were reluctant to start off saying they had bad memories of knitting in school, but once they started it was almost a wrestle them away from the knitting experience! And it was soo surprising the amount of guys who came to knit!!Honestly, I never thought we would have the response we got from the guys. The first day I would say we had majority guys knitting, the second day it was probably about even male/female.
I know that Isobel and Sharon have both blogged about the electric picnic and we all probably have some similar pictures, so I wont bore you with too many details.So, here are a few of my favourite:

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