Back to the blogging world I go!!

You know this is typical me, as soon as I get access to the internet, I hightail it off to Clare for the weekend, where we dont even have a phone line, let alone wireless access!Every time we go to Clare we are greeted with something new in the garden or along the lane way. This time round, its Blackberry time. Don't these look yummy?Along with some cooking apples from the garden (there are at least 2 cooking apple trees and one eating apple tree) these will make a lovely apple and blackberry tart, or jam. Must get into some cooking inspiration.
Thank you every one for the birthday greetings. I usually go out for a few drinks with friends and combine it with my sisters birthday who's is on the 20th Oct, but this year I just wasn't into doing that. So Micheál and I went out for dinner and we met my sister and brother in law in the local pub for a couple of drinks. Then up and off to Clare the next day.My other sister, who's birthday is coming up, came back from Thailand on Saturday so I popped in home to say hello to her on the way down. Sounds like she had a fantastic time. Another place I haven't been to and would love to go to.I'll have to add it to the list!
Anyway, back to the present, I have tons and tons to blog about, I don't know where to start with it all!Okay I'll start with saying a huge THANK YOU to Trudi, who was my spoilee in the SP8 which has now finished (sob).I received a birthday card from her, made out of a collage of photo's from my blog! It really touched me, thank you so much!Over and above the call of duty I think!

Right. I'm going to compose another entry devoted to the Electric Picnic (I know, its old news by now, but I have so many photos I want to show yououououo)
addendum: I don't think I've spelt that right! I actually composed this post while in Clare, and have since gotten what looks to be a very scrummy recipe from my sister for apple sponge....and you can add blackberries to it this space....I promise that if I end up with blackberry juice all around my mouth I'll take a photo....
Glad you had a nice birthday...welcome back to the blogging world. I look forward to your posts.
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