Kitty updates, with a hint of knitting

Ronnie- determined to get in on the action. I had a cushion covering my (exposed and very scrapped from kitty claws) legs and my knitting on top of it (with the yarn cake tucked behind me---I'm learning!) and next thing this little head appears.

Kittens looking like they are one with 2 heads. In reality, Reggie is on top of Ronnie and they were fighting until I got the water bottle out. Thats what they are looking at. They actually had a quiet moment......for about 5 seconds.

So the kitties were allowed outside to the back garden for the first time yesterday. They had a good sniff around, investigated a bit, then went back inside again. It was too hot for them. They went out later on.

But first, I had to bring them to the vet to get their shots.
This wasn't as traumatic (for me) as I thought it would be.
After all that fresh air, the excitement of going on a trip in the car and a new place to have a sniff around, the kitties were wrecked!

Although Ronnie tried to get a bit of newspaper reading in before he finally sucumbed to the sleepiness.

Ah, you thought you could take a sneaky photo without me noticing, didn't ya!
Did you spot the hint of knitting?
The hint of knitting? No, unless it's there at the bottom of the first pic!
Yes, its at the bottom of the first pic, just wanted to see if you were paying attention!
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Awhhh, they are so darn cute! I keep telling my dad to get two kittens at the sametime. They would keep each other company.
I'm thinking these two tiny tots have the run of the're not spoiling them are you? :-)
The kitties aren't getting tooo spoiled, just the usual spoiling that any baby gets, they get a firm NO if they do something wrong and the spray bottle has been out on a number of occasions, and they are learning from it (e.g. when Reggie jumped up onto kitchen table he got a spray and the next time he did it, I said NO firmly and he jumped off again and ran).
They only have the run of the sitting room and kitchen and I leave them in the kitchen just overnight.They definately do keep each other company, where one goes. the other isn't usually far behind!
I spotted da knittin'!
Awwww! Those kittens are soooooo cuuuuute! And very photogenic.
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