Great birthday present this. And I have a great boyfriend. He's going to have to re-wrap it again for me for Christmas. He got me a laptop! I think he could see me pining for internet access.....
And its soo faaast!
Going out to dinner now, so will have to drag myself away from blogging for the moment.....
Yes I'm still alive!
....I'm still here, I haven't quite left the planet yet.....normal blogging will resume shortly....promise!!
The Electric Knitted Picnic

Wow, what a weekend!
It was truely amazing, and I kept on saying it until I'm sure my co-knitters were sick of it, but I couldn't believe the response we had to our little knitting tee-pee.
Right from the start there was interest, we had no sooner placed out our knitted picnic and our knitted blanket in the tee-pee when people started coming over.

We hardly had time to take a swig of water and we were away teaching people how to knit, how to hold the needles, how to work the wool, baby!(didn't get any wool smellers though).
Interestingly enough, the majority of interest on Saturday came from guys!
We had lots of guys coming over and saying give me a go, I can do that....em....its a bit tricky....this is HARD!
And finally, it gave way to, just wait until I finish this row.....
Belfast boy of an unknown name....did really well
This guy came back the next day to collect his work of art from us, well done Conor!!
Caroline from Longford will be dropping into our meetings whenever she comes to Dublin again. Check out the big needles!
and we even had ballgowns!!
Sharon and Isobel both have great accounts of the knitted picnic on their blogs so go and check them out!
I will be back with more though, you havent gotten away that lightly......
Yarn for Electric Picnic

Ok the time of the
Electric Picnic is approaching fast and I finally have some photos to show you of the yarn we have bought from
Craftspun to use at it.
Sorry if they take a bit of time to open, I'm using my sisters PC and cant find a way of changing the properties on it!
Here they are after being wound into cakes.

We met up last Saturday to do the normal Stitch n Bitch things, but also to discuss the Electric Picnic and our contributions to it. The group were asked to make squares, 15x15 for a blanket which we will display at the picnic and then donate to charity.
It was amazing the amount of talent and time that was put into all the squares!
Here is a picture of some of them, trying to match it up to see what way it would work. At this stage we were still expecting some more squares to arrive in the post.

And the food that was layed on for the knitted picnic was just divine! Yum yum.

I've since done some tomatoes and strawberries that look good enough to eat....nice a ripe they are. All I need now is some cream for the strawberries....