I'm a lucky girly
As I work during the day, every time I expect a parcel, I give my parents address. This means that it gets delivered safely, and there is no hassle with it, like getting home to find a note from An Post to say I need to go and collect it from the Post Office and the opening times are aimed at people who don’t have to travel from 13 miles away that takes them sometimes an hour and a half: i.e. they close at 3pm, very realistic time!
ANYway, getting off the point there.
I have an uncle over from the States, and we went up to my parents place last night to meet up with him for the evening and wine and dine.
Sitting on the hall table was a parcel.
For ME.
I was so excited.
I had to wait though until I got home to open it, I didn’t want the questions asking all about it, I wanted to enjoy it in private.
Firstly, I want to say a big THANK YOU to my Secret Pal, you went to a lot of trouble and got it sooo right!
First up, I opened the parcel (no before photos, I wanted in there!) to find this gorgeous decorated box

As you can see, my SP decorated the lid with this cat and wool silhouette. Very nicely done.
And I do like my orange also (how did you tell?)
When I opened the box, there was a handwritten note from my Pal

They seemed larger than 50g each, 100% wool and my secret pal said they would felt nicely. I already have the beginnings of a plan for them. Obviously I will need to add to what I have, but if needs be I can use this information to obtain more or I can use a different type of wool:

But wait, there’s more!
Some fantastic handmade stitch markers, and all who know me know how I like handmade stitch markers!

And, just in case I needed some refreshing smells, which I always like, some lovely smellies

So thanks Secret Pal, you are THE best!
Your secret pal is from Oz - cool. I like the plan for the yarn. Must do a tea cozy myself but I think I'll just add it to a list somewhere - my number of WIP's are getting ridiculous.
I know what you mean, I haven't been doing much from my WIP's lately, must get back to them and finish them all off!
And yes, Oz, and the yarn is from NSW and I lived there for 5 months (in Sydney) so am excited about that also. Its easy to get me excited as you can see!!
I can see that you are a lucku girl, and I envy you all that nice yarn!
I'm so glad you liked your gifts! Love your plan for the wool. I'd like to make one of those myself. Hope that cold goes away soon and you can enjoy the smelly things.
Your Secret Pal
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