New site and goodbye to the old
I've finally moved properly!
You can catch me over here:
http://tangelledangel.comPlease make sure that you update your bloglines and your links to me, I'd be ever so grateful (cheesy grin :-D)
Hope to see you there!
Labels: General Ramblings
Treat a Fellow Knitter
So, how are you feeling after the last swap you signed up for?
Ready to do it again?
Our plotting and scheming has led to the
Knitters Treat ExchangeIts a one off exchange, where you treat your pal with lovely treaty type things.
This includes some mandatory treats and then some ideas for other loverly things.
Such as:
Treats you MUST send:
1. Enough yarn for a one skein/small project
2. Magazine
3. Pampering treat - e.g. Hand cream, bath fizzer etc
4. Delicious treat - e.g. chocolate/candy/tea/coffee
5. Your blog address, so your pal can say hello
Other treats you could include:
1. Your favourite recipe
2. A pattern to go with the yarn (please respect copyright)
3. Candles
4. Knitting notions
5. Anything else you'd like to treat your pal with
I mean, what could be nicer than curling up with a nice cup of rosy lea that your pal sent, while simultaneously sniffing new yarn, leafing through that crafty magazine that you've always wanted to get your hands on, and trying to cast on at the same time, chocolate melting on your lap as you juggle all the above??
All the information you need is on
Knitters Treat Exchange and
Tea and Cakes and I would love to have you join us!!!
Labels: Knitters Treats
Treat a Fellow Knitter
So, how are you feeling after the last swap you signed up for?
Ready to do it again?
Our plotting and scheming has led to the
Knitters Treat ExchangeIts a one off exchange, where you treat your pal with lovely treaty type things.
This includes some mandatory treats and then some ideas for other loverly things.
Such as:
Treats you MUST send:
1. Enough yarn for a one skein/small project
2. Magazine
3. Pampering treat - e.g. Hand cream, bath fizzer etc
4. Delicious treat - e.g. chocolate/candy/tea/coffee
5. Your blog address, so your pal can say hello
Other treats you could include:
1. Your favourite recipe
2. A pattern to go with the yarn (please respect copyright)
3. Candles
4. Knitting notions
5. Anything else you'd like to treat your pal with
I mean, what could be nicer than curling up with a nice cup of rosy lea that your pal sent, while simultaneously sniffing new yarn, leafing through that crafty magazine that you've always wanted to get your hands on, and trying to cast on at the same time, chocolate melting on your lap as you juggle all the above??
All the information you need is on
Knitters Treat Exchange and
Tea and Cakes and I would love to have you join us!!!
Labels: Knitters Treats
Short and Treat
Oh la la, such goings on.
Firstly, I should be moving my blog to another site fairly this space.....
and if you fancy popping over and saying hello before I even move the bones of this one, here it is:
Isobel and I have been doing a bit of Plotting and Scheming, and eating of rock cakes in the midst of it all. Great cakes by the way Isobel!
So, you'll have to watch this space again.....for a little Treat ala Tea and Cakes and Tangelled Angel.
I'm excited, I love surprises...don't you????
Hope you like this one!!!!
Labels: General Ramblings, Yum
Capelet love
I stashed up on some lovely
Debbie Bliss Maya some time ago, and its been sitting there ever since, wondering what I will be making it into.

So, I found the
most perfect pattern for it, wound up 2 skeins, and off I went.

Presenting, my version of the
Anthropologie inspired capelet
I didn't make any changes as such, just knit the body a slight bit longer before I went into the rib and cast off.

This was a very very easy knit, for anyone out there who wants to try knitting something larger than a hat its a very good one to start with.
I had planned on wearing this at a function I was at on Friday last but it didn't happen. I did wear it over the weekend however, with a long sleeve top underneath, and a red flower pin to close the top.
It needs proper blocking, I only dry blocked it, as in I didn't wash it first.
I was in a hurry at the time.
I even had some Maya left from the second skein!
Labels: Inspiration, Knitting, Yum
A diet perhaps?
Remember this?
Well the doggy coat was for Baby, who has perhaps doubled in size since the last time I saw her?!
She wasn't too impressed I think!
My friend loved it.

Her other dog Eskie was also having a private snigger

Tee hee
Labels: Friends, Knitting, Weird and Wonderful
Secret Socks, not a secret no more
This is a tale of two socks.
In a moment of madness some days ago, I decided that it would be a good idea to knit a pair of socks
IN SECRET for my boyfriend for Valentines Day. Yeah, very romantic I know.
So as if that wasn't madness enough, I decided to knit them both at once, on one circular needle at the same time, doing the magic loop method, toe up.
I also had to tackle a short row heel which I'd never done before.
I worked out the amount of knitting time I would have, going on the fact that my boyfriend is at my place most of the time, and generally if he's not at mine, I'm at his.
It helped that he had to go to the UK for work on the Friday before Valentines day, it didn't help that I got itchy fingers and decided that I really needed to cast on for
this project, in order to wear it to a do this Friday coming.
It didn't help that I had plans that I'd forgotten about for Monday evening, which involved a group of friends playing
Balderdash at a friends house (excellent game!!)
It also didn't help that I was counting on having Tuesday evening to myself in order to finish off the socks, and my boyfriend felt he really needed to see me so came over (I'm not complaining
that much!)

So where did that leave me?
It left me arriving first at my friends house, and being brave enough to take out my knitting while waiting for the others arrive (mostly non-knitters, with one who does a tiny bit but doesnt have the bug).

It left me knitting in my lunchbreak at work 3 days in a row, including Valentines day

On Valentines Day, I thought I would have an hour, just to finish off that last inch at the cuff. My boyfriend decided that he couldn't do without me, and got an earlier train. I had about 10 minutes to pack up the unfinished socks before he arrived.

The verdict?
He loved them.
"Oh great...... socks!!" was his comment, and not in a sarcastic way!

Phew! *wipes sweat off her brow*
Jaegar Matchmaker 4 ply yarn which is 100%merino and 3.25 circular needle.
Now, off to finish my capelet....whilst balancing pancakes and maple syrup....hmm, maybe not such a good idea....
Labels: Knitting, Socks
Avoca yumminess
How time flies when you are having fun!
Its a few days since
Cheryl and I went off galivanting to
Avoca, in order to immerse ourselves in fibre goodiness. We lost
Holly early on in our plans, and unfortunately lost
Isobel that very morning, mere minutes before we were due to leave, so it was up to myself and Cheryl to try and save the woolen day.
It was my first venture into the sale that Avoca holds every year, and I wasn't disappointed!
I gave myself a budget and I'm pleased to say I didn't go over it, even had money left over for some lovely soup and brown bread in their cafe afterwards, although I won't say anything about the awful coffee that followed...
Anyway, here is a sample of what we were met with at the sale-
Do you notice anything funny about the above picture?
Notice a hand sneaking in with some purple yarn in it on the right hand side?
Thats Cheryl's, as she was on the phone to Isobel, trying to describe what was on offer.
An in-action shot!

There was a lot of these types of baskets dotted about, and the prices? To die for!
So, what did I come away with-->

Yes, its a large amount of yarn! I know, I know.
But could you help it if you are faced with delectable yarn, at prices that just can't be ignored?
Oh okay then, here are some individual shots

So what happens when you have a car-trunk full of yarn (as we bought some for Isobel too) and the rest of the afternoon free?
You ring Isobel and tell her to put the kettle on, we're coming round!
See previous post for clarification!!
Oh, and guess what the total weight of the yarn I bought came to (along with the cones of course)
8 kg and 450g approx! Thats a lot of yarn!
Labels: Friends, Inspiration, Stash Enhancement, Yum